
Home > Website Administration > Website Pages > System Pages > News > Adding a News Story

Adding a News Story

  1. Select News items from the Web Pages menu in the Administration toolbar at the top of the page.

  2. The News dialog is displayed.

  3. Click Add a new news story. The News window appears.

  4. Fill in the fields to create your news item:

    News date (mandatory) -  Enter the date of the news story. Usually this will be the date that the news item was uploaded.

    Tip: Click the icon on the right of the input box to open the calendar pop-up.

    Headline (mandatory) - Enter the headline for your news story. This will be displayed if you choose to include the news item in the in your home page
    ticker (see Display field below).

    Display - Uncheck the box if you do not want the news item to be displayed. You can use this option hide stories that you might wish to keep without
    deleting them.

    Display in news ticker? - Check this box if you would like to show the news headline in your home page ticker.

    Photo - To upload a photo:

    1. Click the "Upload"  button.

    2. Select the file on your local drive that you would like to upload.

    3. A thumbnail of the image is displayed, together with the filename and a message confirming that the file has been uploaded.

    Story - Enter the text for your news story.

  5. Click the "Save" button   to save your changes or click "Cancel" to close the window without saving.

  6. Your news story is saved and added to the list.

    • If the Display checkbox is checked, the headline and story will appear on your News page.
    • If  the Display in news ticker? checkbox is checked, the headline will appear as a link in the the news ticker on your home page.

    Tip: You can add news headlines with links to news stories by inserting the Latest News widget in a Portal Page.

See also